Essays & Books
The Campaign by Tony Spicer (Free Download)
The Battle by Tony Spicer (Free Download)
Cromwell’s Crowning Mercy: The Battle of Worcester 1651 by Malcolm Atkin (Book Purchase)
Worcester 1651 by Malcolm Atkin (Book Purchase)
Worcestershire Under Arms by Malcolm Atkin (Ebook Purchase)
Civil War: The Wars of the Three Kingdoms by Trevor Royal (Book Purchase)
To Catch A King: Charles II’s Greatest Escape by Charles Spencer (Book Purchase)
The English Civil Wars: 1640 – 1660 by Blair Worden (Book Purchase)
Online Resources
Battle of Worcester Wikipedia Page (Free Resource)
Battlefields Trust Resource Centre (Free Resource)
BBC Archive Page – BoW Timeline (Free Resource)
Encyclopædia Britannic Summary (Free Resource)
Worcester Cathedral Civil War Page (Free Resource)
National Archives – Civil War Resource (Free Resource)
Lectures & Talks
Members of the Battle of Worcester Society have a wide range of expertise and knowledge and many are skilled and experienced in providing talks for Rotary Clubs, Probus groups, U3A groups and school talks. Members do not charge for these talks but may require travel expenses. A donation to the society is always welcome. If you would like to arrange a talk for you group please get in touch with us via the contact page.
Links to Other Organisations
The Society’s chief aim is to educate people about the Battle of Worcester 1651 and its ramifications regionally, nationally and internationally. We achieve this through a number of different ways. Re-enactment, lectures, theatrical plays, school visits, talks and publications all form part of a strategy to educate as many people as possible about this incredible part of the UK’s history.
We have curated a number of resources, downloads and links to events and other societies and groups we believe can help you learn about the Battle of Worcester 1651. We have indicated (where possible) whether the resources are free or paid.