Event Details
The Civic Parade led by the Mayoral Party will continue through the streets of the City and eventually to Fort Royal Hill where the Drumhead Service commemorating the loss of 3,200 lives will be held. Time to be confirmed.
To commemorate the 371st anniversary of Charles Stuart residing in the Royal Oak tree for the whole day, a day trip has been organised by the Battle of Worcester Society to Boscobel House and the Royal Oak, followed by a visit to Whitwick Manor.
A Whittle’s coach will depart from Croft Road, Worcester at 9.30 a.m. and arrive at Boscobel House at 11.00 a.m. A guided tour will be offered around the house and to the tree.
At 1.00 p.m. we depart for Whitwick Manor which is only 8 miles away (approximately 17 minutes by road) and it is anticipated that the group will leave Whitwick Manor at 4.00 p.m. arriving in Croft Road, Worcester at 5.30 p.m.. .
Boscobel House is an English Heritage property and Whitwick Manor is a National Trust property. If you are members of these organisations there will be no entry fee. For those who are not members, I will have to see how large a response there is to the trip to work out entry fees as a discount is offered for groups of a certain number. All timings are approximate, depending on weather and traffic.
The cost of the coach is £12.00 per person which can be paid either by cheque to Battle of Worcester Society (Charity) and posted to C A Shaw, 29 Elm Green Close, Worcester, WR5 3HD: by bank transfer to the BOWS account at Lloyds Bank, The Cross, Worcester, WR1 3PS: Sort code: 30-99-90: Account Number: 11015363 OR if you bump into Christine at the Drumhead Parade/Service on 3rd September, 2022. Please let Christine know by email, in person or by telephone if you would like to go onto the list (01905 358640) and also let her know if you are a National Trust member and/or and English Heritage member. If you are not a member of either organisation there will be an entrance fee to both places. If there are enough ‘non-members’ we may qualify for a group discount.
You are very welcome to bring friends or family with you.
The Civic Parade led by the Mayoral Party will continue through the streets of the City and eventually to Fort Royal Hill where the Drumhead Service commemorating the loss of 3,200 lives will be held. Time to be confirmed.